What is Trenboxyl Hexa 100 (Parabolan)?
Trenboxyl Hexa 100 (Parabolan), also known as Parabolan, is a strong anabolic androgenic steroid known for its quick and qualitative results. Parabolan is composed of Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate ester and its life activity lasts for more than 2 weeks which is a good advantage for most bodybuilders. The package contains ampules of 1.5 ml per box with each ampule of 76 mg of trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate.
Most athletes using this fast-acting drug are delighted with the results: quick gain in solid, highly qualitative muscle mass, strength and a nice look. Also,
Trenboxyl Hexa 100 (Parabolan) doesn't aromatize as the substance
trenbolone doesn't convert to estrogen, doesn't retain the water in the tissue as well as doesn't cause gynecomastia. Athletes administer this steroid for fast visible increased muscle hardness without dieting at the same time. Parabolan's effectiveness is often compared to
Testosterone and
Dianoxyl 10 (Dianabol), but
Trenboxyl Hexa 100 (Parabolan) doesn't need to administer additional
anti-estrogens. Trenbolone is one of the best steroids and is roughly three times more androgenic than testosterone, and because of its highly androgenic effect it can cause serious side effects.
Trenboxyl Hexa 100 (Parabolan) Side Effects
Trenboxyl Hexa 100 (Parabolan) is very popular among athletes because of its ability to stimulate the
rapid buildup strength and muscle mass. But it has adverse effects on the body, either. Some users of Trenbolone report sexual dysfunction, bloat, breast growth, oily skin, acne, higher libido, hair loss, aggressive behavior during the cycle with this steroid. Also, it causes chance for virilization symptoms that's why women are not advised to take Trenboxyl Hexa 100 (Parabolan). Even though it is an excellent cutting drug, it can also decrease the thyroid level of an athlete especially with high doses. Also, known for being a strong progesterone the inhibitor aromatase like
Letroxyl (Femara) can lower progesterone levels, and combat any progestogenic side effects.
If an athlete administers Trenboxyl Hexa 100 (Parabolan) correctly – no serious side effects should face.
Trenboxyl Hexa 100 (Parabolan) Dosage
It is already clear that
Trenboxyl Hexa 100 (Parabolan) is an excellent steroid that quickly builds up qualitative muscle mass and rapid strength. But, Trenbolone is not recommended for year-round usage since it is quite toxic. Usually, it is allowed to
administer Trenbolone no more than a maximum of 8 weeks. It is known that Trenboxyl Hexa 100 (Parabolan) puts stress on the kidneys, rather than the liver and sometime athletes may report dark color of urine, that's why it is not required to use it for a long time.
Bodybuilders inject Trenbolone 1 to 2 ampules per day during three to four weeks before a competition. However, the standard dosage of Trenbolone should be no more than 3 ampules per weeks with an ampule of 76 mg every 2 to 3 days. Many athletes combined
Trenboxyl Hexa 100 (Parabolan) with
Stanoxyl Depot (Winstrol) to gain in solid and high quality muscles and an enormous strength gain. Also, Trenbolone seems to bring extremely good results if combined with growth hormones.
Jan 17, 2023 (09:48)
Absolute great for cutting!!!!! Stack with some test enthanate 250mgs and you will get crazy results!!!!!!! It cuts you up and makes you put on lean muscle and it burns body fat so fast!!!!!!!!! Even better when you add some winny 50mgs!!!!!!!